General obligations and responsibilities of authors

General obligations and responsibilities of the authors

By submitting a manuscript to the journal, the author assumes personal responsibility for the originality of the research, the correctness and accuracy of the data provided by him, as well as for the placement of data in the manuscript that are not the subject of open publication.

Presenting unreliable or deliberately inaccurate conclusions is unethical and unacceptable. The founder of the journal and the editorial board are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors of the research.

The authors guarantee that they have exclusive rights to use the materials submitted to the journal.

In case of violation of this guarantee and a claim against the founder of the journal or the editorial board in this regard, the authors independently and at their own expense undertake to settle all claims.

The founder of the journal and the editorial board are not responsible to third parties for violation of the guarantees given by the authors.

Submitting identical manuscripts to more than one journal at the same time is also unethical and unacceptable.

When co-authoring, any of the co-authors must reach full agreement with the other co-authors regarding the final version of the manuscript and accompanying documents, and its submission for publication.

The source of funding (if available) should be announced, and the role in conducting research should be indicated.