Magazine controls

Journal controls

3.1. The Journal has an Editorial Board and an Editorial Board, whose members are well-known scientists in the fields of science covered by the Journal.

3.2. The composition of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board is approved by the order of the President of the Moscow State University on the recommendation of the Editor-in-Chief.

Members of the Editorial Board must be recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have at least one article in publications included in the international databases Web of science or Scopus and at least two articles in publications included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results scientific activity, during the last three years.

3.3. The Editorial Board determines the development strategy of the journal, monitors the scientific level of the journal, compliance with the requirements of this Regulation, compliance with international standards and requirements for such publications, regulatory documents and current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3.4. The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal is elected by the Academic Council of the Moscow State University and appointed by the order of the President.

3.5. The Editor-in-Chief heads the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board.

3.6. The editor-in-chief of the journal determines the strategy of the journal, conducts meetings of the Editorial Board, signs the journal "to print" and gives permission to distribute the journal, approves the circulation and mailing list of each issue of the journal and its appendices, appoints the scientific editor of the journal, decides on encouraging members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Board, other employees directly involved when working on the journal, he delegates his powers to the scientific editor of the journal.

3.7. The organizational management of the issue of the journal is carried out by the Scientific Editor, who carries out the instructions of the editor-in-chief and is responsible for the scientific level of the journal, recommends reviewers, communicates with the authors of articles and reviewers, organizes the collection of materials for publication in the journal, provides communication with members of the editorial board for reviewing articles, communicates with the publisher when preparing the journal for publication, ensures preparation of articles and editorial materials at the proper scientific, informational and linguistic level (analyzes and evaluates the text, makes the necessary changes to the structure of the article accepted by the editorial board for publication), observes and controls the technological scheme of production of the journal.

3.8. Meetings of the Editorial Board are convened as necessary. A meeting is considered competent if at least half of its members were present. Decisions are made by a simple majority of the votes of the members of the Editorial Board present and, if necessary, are drawn up in a protocol. The authors of the materials under discussion have the right to attend the meeting of the Editorial Board with the right of an advisory vote.

3.9. The Editorial Board of the Journal makes final decisions on the acceptance or rejection of materials submitted for publication in the Journal, shares with the editor-in-chief responsibility for the high scientific level of the journal, information content, design and design of publications.